Towbars for Hard-Working Vehicles

Looking for a safe and reliable, hard-working towbar for your delivery van, pickup or chassis cab? The Brink flanged ball is a fixed towbar designed and manufactured for heavy-duty work, and is the first choice for the professional trade. It can easily pull trailers with a weight of over three tonnes.

There are three types of flanged balls: a two-hole, four-hole and lowered four-hole version.


The two-hole flanged ball can be adjusted in height if the flanged plate it is mounted to consists of four, instead of two coupling points. The two-hole flanged ball can be mounted to both the top and bottom coupling points of the flanged plate. It can be useful to adjust it in height, especially if you have a delivery van. The two-hole flanged ball can be set up in such a way that the back doors can always swing open above the drawbar of the trailer. With a flanged plate consisting of four coupling points, you can also use other coupling systems, such as the drawbar coupling, claw coupling and the ball-pen combination. The coupling systems mentioned exactly fit this flanged plate.


With a four-hole flanged ball, you can be sure you can use other coupling systems on the flanged plate. The four-hole flanged ball can only be mounted on a flanged plate with four coupling points. The four-hole flanged plate is perfect for you if you do not need to be able to adjust the towbar in height.

Lowered four-hole

The lowered four-hole flanged ball is perfect for you if your delivery van, pickup or chassis-cab stands high on its wheels. Due to this, the heart of the ball continues to meet the legal requirements. Measured from the ground, it should remain between 36 to 42 centimetres high even when fully loaded.


  • Adjustable in height
  • Permanently available
  • Heavy-duty towbar
  • Exchangeable with other coupling systems

Premium quality, competitive pricing

Brink towbars are vehicle specific. We'll send you a competitive quote for the perfect-fit towbar - but first, we need your vehicle details.